Dancing Dhevas take you on an ecstatic dancing journey through the 5 elements over 5 dances, on this night we flow with WATER.
Let's dance with water as our inspiration, water as our guide and water as our goddess. Connect with your yearning to flow, whether it is a furious torrent or a meandering weave through the gaps. Tides influence, rivers charge, the water within us courses a path that dances to the pulse of life
Water is the element of emotion and the unconscious, as opposed to the conscious intellectualism of air. Water is one of two elements that have a physical existence that can interact with all of the physical senses. Water is still considered less material (and thus superior) to earth because it possesses more motion and activity than earth.
The Dancing Dhevas community welcomes everyone with open arms, feel safe to explore and venture into the unknown territory of your self expression. Bring all of who you are, the good and the not so good, find your dance and dance it with passion into the earth.
We start and end in a circle, together as a whole forming a oneness, the integrity of this chain relys on the integrity of each link.
Dance into your integrity
Dance a freer physical form
Dance that edge that makes your heart flutter and sing
Dance the dance only you can dance.
Dance free of the need to be seen
For only then will you be seen
Grounded in Truth, Walk together with courage.
6:45 to 9pm, DOORS SHUT at 7:10 no entry after then.
Tickets are limited and only available online.
$25 Waged
$20 Low income/concession
Booked online via Humantix.
We have partnered with Humantix who will donate your booking fees to charity. The money collected from your fees will be supporting indigenous education scholarships in Australia.
Fremantle PCYC
34 Paget st
Bring a water bottle and a sweat towel.
After checking in at the door, use the hand sanitizer provided.
Dancing Dhevas is a free form practice that invites you to engage in life as only you can, to move with such authenticity that it liberates the bubbles of ecstasy.
The ecstatic dance is a process of delving into your own individual, original dance, it is so unique to you and how you move that it can not be reproduced by anyone else. This gives us the freedom from constraints and judgements so we can explode our potential to move until it unleashes the dancer within. The room takes on a different energy as everyone drops into their dance and natural ecstasy is reached.
Come as you are or bring a friend, we share a dance floor of like minded souls who move as one and celebrate life in all its complexities in one moment.
Alcohol free, drug free and smoke free event.
No mobile phones, no photography and no Shazam
No shoes or talking on the dance floor.
This event is not suitable for kids, (18+)
Life Is A Dance ~ Dance Your Truth ~ Love Your Life