This is the Friday night drop in session of the weekend workshop open to all.
Those critical inner voices are so insidious.
Sometimes we don’t even notice them, but they go on yacking…operating below our radar, sculpting our posture, squeezing our solar plexus, making us feel anxious or tense. They drive those self-defeating habits that we can’t seem to shake, and they sap our vitality.
And yet, ironically, they were given to us in absolute love. In the hope that we might thrive as mature, functional and creative adults in the world.
We can reconcile this conflict within us, but not if we ignore or bargain with our critic.
In this workshop you will dance with intention and awareness into the Tiger’s Mouth of your Inner Critic – recognizing and feeling how it’s unseen efforts affect your creative flow, your relationship to yourself and others and your ability to be present.
With Open Floor Movement Practice we will mindfully embody tools to understand and disengage from the critic’s dominance. To transform the voices of painful, limiting criticism into unbridled creative flow, streaming joy and freedom to Be. To remember a trusted counsel and a precious ally of a good conscience.
This will be a robust and mature inquiry process that requires your aim to go deep, through the dance and beyond. And I so welcome you into the zestiness of this dance!
Madhuma Thompson brings over 35 years of meditation, embodiment work and spiritual inquiry process to the dance floor. She is an Open Floor Movement teacher and a 5Rhythms Dance teacher facilitating large groups as well as leading smaller more intensive workshops around Australia and abroad.
Her intuitive wisdom and joy in the movement practice is infectious.
Madhuma returns to us after 2 years with her new workshop that will inspire and guide us into our inner
Friday 15th November
Fremantle PCYC
34 Paget rd,
6163 WA