A daily online dance practice over a week.
Replace your usual morning routine to drop deep into your dance and watch the trickle effect through the day, feel it build as you journey through your week.
This is a conscious dance workshop offering an opportunity to align with your vector in life, find clarity and truth simply by dancing your dance early in the morning.
Arrive as sleepy heads and leave as vibrant, active and energized lovers of life.
The Morning Medicine is a profound process, changing your daily morning ritual by consciously dancing for an hour we shift our perspective for the day. It is a wonderful hour of insight and joyous connection to self, the body will thank you, your heart will thank you and your mind will be clear.
This active meditation will have you falling in love with yourself over and over again.
We will meet on the Zoom video conferencing platform and you can do this over your phone with headphones so you can dance at the beach, park or in your garden as well as at home.
6:30 to 7:30 am Mon to Fri April 6th to 10th
$55 via the ticket link
Download and install Zoom on your preferred device and a link will be sent out to you so you can access the Morning Medicine daily dance. The zoom room will open 15 minutes before we start to ensure we all have connection and are ready to go.
Start your day with sparkle!