Consciously moving body, heart and mind.
This week we have the talented Stewart Pryor gracing the MOVED dance floor bringing us the SOUL MOTION® Conscious Dance.
Soul Motion® was created by Vincent Grieco-Martinez after he left the 5Rhythms to fulfil his conscious dance path.
'Soul Motion is a somatic movement practice which cultivates the qualities of leadership - being present, grounded, centered, balanced, creative, active listening, holding clear vision, heart centered - and anchors them in the body. We embody these qualities in movement on the dance floor to live them on the world floor in our every day lives.'
MOVED is a mindful dance practice to support healthy living. Dancing to music mixed like a dj but guided like a class, you are free to move how ever you wish and encouraged to increase that freedom each time you dance. The practice is led by a teacher following a movement map that rises and falls, reciprocating cycles found in life and nature.
We explore new ways of dancing and responding to what is happening in our world with intention and purpose. We learn to understand our habits and patterns for deeper insight and self awareness. The more we embody different responses in our movements, the more resources we can call on to move through life with flexibility, resilience and ease.
Playing a cross section of music inspires different movements and feelings, it includes everyone on the dance floor and broadens our tolerance of our rich and diverse community.
We dance mid week because it fills our cup, we dance for release, healing, pleasure and grounding but most of all because it reminds us of who we are, and that can not be written or spoken, it must be felt.
Come dance with a vibrant community creating life affirming change in the world.
Check in from 6:15pm, this is precious warm up time, lovely music will help you settle into the space.
Check in closes at 6:30pm no entry after then, guidance begins setting the evenings movement resource and intention.
We dance until 8:00pm when we slow to a closing circle taking us to 8:15pm
$25 (Inclusive of GST & booking fee)
$1-100 Pay it forward Add a little donation to help those unable to afford a ticket make it to dance for their emotional and mental well being. Dancing Dhevas will match your donation.
Cancellation policy: Refund or transfer your ticket upto 24hrs before the event. No refunds or transfers within 24hrs of the event.
Venue: Fremantle PCYC 34 Paget rd, Hilton, 6163
Dancing Dhevas is a free form practice that invites you to engage in life as only you can, to move with such authenticity that it liberates the bubbles of ecstasy.
Conscious Dance is a process of delving into your own individual, original dance, it is so unique to you and how you move that it can not be reproduced by anyone else. This gives us the freedom from constraints and judgements so we can explode our potential to move until it unleashes the dancer within. The room takes on a different energy as everyone drops into their dance and natural ecstasy is reached.
Come as you are or bring a friend, we share a dance floor of like minded souls who move as one and celebrate life in all its complexities in one moment.
Strictly Alcohol free, drug free and smoke free event, be clear, be here now. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone under the influence of an intoxicant.
No mobile phones, no photography, no Shazam, turn up, be present this is an embodiment class, a practice that can touch the heart and soul.
No shoes or talking on the dance floor. Drop the chatter and ground the feet.
This event is an adult safe zone and not suitable for kids, (16+) This is your time to process, recoup and resource the body, heart and mind so you can turn up for your loved ones with a full cup.
Life Is A Dance ~ Dance Your Truth ~ Love Your Life