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Super New Moon Ecstatic Dance

  • PCYC 34 Paget st Hilton WA 6163 Australia (map)

A new moon is when the Earth, moon and sun are in linear alignment, with the moon masking the sun, it is super because it is at its closest point to the earth, appearing larger than normal.
The moon is so powerful, it is responsible for moving oceans, the ocean tides and for the growth of plants, humans and animals are also affected by this powerful energy which is magnified when it is closer.

On the dance floor we drop our facades and move with authenticity, this brings us into alignment with our truth, our intentions and our purpose. The new moon is the end of one lunar cycle and the beginning of a new one, it is the zero point, a time to reset and start something new, set new intentions or venture into a project or new way of being. This new start means there also needs to be a letting go, releasing the old and what no longer resonates to make room and clear the path for what is to come.

Dance like no one is watching, move like you have a higher purpose and let the body reveal the magic of syncopation with the moon! When we trust the dance process, dissolve into the music and ride the wave of euphoria into ecstatic states we move into alignment and truth.

Each individual's intention binds together forming one great movement of community on the dance floor. There is nothing like it when we move together as one!

No right or wrong and no set moves, open up to a world of possibilities
beyond your imagination, with you, the dance floor and great music.

6:30 to 9pm, DOORS SHUT at 7:00 no entry after then.

$27.50 Waged

$22.00 Concession

We have partnered with Humantix who will donate your booking fees to charity. The money collected from your fees will be supporting indigenous education scholarships in Australia.

Fremantle PCYC

34 Paget st




Bring a water bottle and a sweat towel.

Alcohol free, drug free and smoke free event.

Turn mobile phones off, no photography and no Shazam

No shoes and no talking on the dance floor. We are here to dance.

This event is not suitable for kids, (18+)


Dancing Dhevas is a free form practice that invites you to engage in life as
only you can, to move with such authenticity that it liberates the bubbles of ecstasy.

The ecstatic dance is a process of delving into your own individual, original dance, it is so unique to you and how you move that it can not be reproduced by anyone else. This gives us the freedom from constraints and judgements so we can explode our potential to move until it unleashes the dancer within. The room takes on a different energy as everyone drops into their dance and natural ecstasy is reached.

Come as you are or bring a friend, we share a dance floor of like minded
souls who move as one and celebrate life in all its complexities in one moment.

Life Is A Dance ~ Dance Your Truth ~ Love Your Life